Circulation Services assists library patrons with the location and circulation of library materials. Functions include check-outs (Issue )and check-ins (Return) of materials, collection of fines and other charges, re-shelving of library materials, and maintaining order in shelving areas. Circulation Services also assists patrons with general questions about the College Libraries. The Circulation counter open 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The college library has two separate circulation counter one on ground floor of library that deals with Commerce, Pol.Science, History, Economics, Computer Science, Reference collection and The reading room is open 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM fo on first floor of library that deals Hindi, English, Science, Sanskrit, Math.
Library membership is free to all students, faculty and staff of the college. The college library registered each member of college and issued a membership card for each students, teaching and non-teaching staff.
Indexing and abstracting journals are most frequently used sources of scientific and social science information. The value of indexing services lies in furthering the cause of research. Their necessity hardly needs any emphasis for current information service, retrospective literature searches, quick retrieval, and delivery of diverse material acquired in the library. The purpose of preparing in-house indexing service is to fill in the time gaps until the receipt of the commercial indexing and abstracting services. The college library prepare index of print journals subscribed Library.
Service provided by libraries whereby patrons are assisted in the location and retrieval of information relevant to their information needs. The Reference service refer the library users for their desired documents. It’s a kind of library service to assist the users to find the information they need. Refer to the provision of information to people entering a library and requesting assistance from the library staff or in short personal assistance provided to library users seeking for information. The college library has special reference collection i.e. Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Biography, Atlas and other resources.
An online public access catalog (often abbreviated as OPAC or simply library ca) is an online database f materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material available at a library. In simple language it is an electronic version of the card catalogue . OPAC is the gateway to library’s collection.
A special provision has been made for the students to bring their own books and read in the cool and conducive atmosphere of the library. Reading is a pleasure and with surroundings so serene. They can bring their own books and use library resources to fulfill their information needs and can also prepare class notes.This section is very much appreciated by the readers who sit there undisturbed. The college library has separate reading area for faculty members on first floor of library. The reading room is open 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
The college library offers photocopy service to its members. The photocopy machine installed outside the library. The Library user have to submit their college ID card at reference desk to photocopy.
The College offer access of various kind of e-resources i.e. EBSCO, Wiley Library Online, Taylor and Francis,, Econlit, J-Stor, Emerald, Scopus, Web of Science and others subscribed by college library as well as open access resources. The college library has eight (8) PCs for access or e-resources which are installed in reading area of Library.
The College Library also started Book Reservation Service in which a student can reverse their required document in advance in case book is issued another student. One student can reserve only one book. The book reservation slip is available at reference desk in the College Library. The book will be reserve only for one day after intimation by Library staff. The book reservation service is provided by various reputed institutions in India.