Prof. Prashant Singh
Areas of Interest:

Dr. Manish Kumar
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Environmental friendly multifunctional materials for energy and memory devices, multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, composites, perovskite materials for photovoltaic applications, solar simulation via different softwares and DFT calculation

Dr. Bhaskara Nand Pant
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: To explore the synthesis of drug like molecules, integrating computational chemistry to model and predict their properties to investigate the biological potential of these compounds, targeting applications in antipsychotic, antimicrobial, anti-Parkinson's, and anti-Alzheimer's treatment

Dr. Anjani Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Electrostriction based Dielectric Materials, Super Capacitors

Dr. Mohd Sadiq
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Conducting Polymer Ionic Conductor, Solid State Ionic, Battery and Supercapacitors

Dr. Anjali Sharma Kaushik
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Material Science

Dr. Raghvendra Pandey
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Green Energy Physics & Solid State Ionics: Renewable Energy Development

Dr. S. Shankar Subramanian
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Green synthesis of nanoparticles using Aloe Veta and sol-gel methods to create eco-friendly materials for innovative devices, including ME-RAM and hydroelectric cells

Dr. Baljeet Kaur
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Banking and Human Resource Management