Enactus ARSD celebrated Christmas with Earth Saviours Foundation!!
“To get the full value of joy,you must have someone to divide it with.”
Enactus ARSD is built on values like compassion, empathy, kindness and love. We under Project ‘Samvedna’ truly believe in caring through giving. This Christmas, we went to The Earth’s Saviours Foundation. We went as secret santas for the people, who are deprived of these little factors of enjoyment and contentment. This visit was so much more than a mere session or counselling exercise, it was us spreading happiness by distributing chocolates, biscuits, toffees, peanuts and sweets, it was the feeling of accomplishment we got from seeing their bright smiles, the solace we got from their hugs, the joy of singing and humming with them and the perfect moments etched on our hearts forever. Moreover, we even met with the founder of ESF, Mr Ravi kalra who welcomed us with warmth and geniality. The conversations and how they talked to us about all the cruelties they have endured and the harsh experiences they have had, were reasons enough for us to realize how we need them as much as they need us to keep us grounded.
This festive season at Enactus ARSD is all about the Joy of Giving, recognizing every little moment of happiness and being the reason behind someone’s biggest smile and heartiest laughter.
On this occasion of Christmas be the santa in someone’s life with the spirit of giving and discover the true meaning of living.
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